
Iain Glen as Hamlet, too

Man she just keeps getting weirder looking with age. She almost looks like a tweaker

At this point, you'd have to be nuts to join a major metropolitan police force. Soon enough, the enlightened will be able to fend for themselves

I dropped Mad Men a while ago, but haven't there been at least two (Joan and her husband, Pete and the cleaning lady)?

Actually, that's one thing changed between the books and the tv show- in the books, between Dany and Drogo, it pointedly wasn't rape. I mean, a hulking dude pressured her until she consented, but in the end, she did. It's one of the reasons the 'GoT is rape-crazy' argument exists- they took a consensual scene and

Bill Murray?

So many people saying they didn't think it'd be for them but got sucked in… What a great show, its the smartest show on television

Yeah, they'd be pushing it a bit far, especially with the clusterf*ck that was The Empty Hearse. They haven't quite lost the goodwill from s1-2 for me, but I could see why others would disagree

I liked Luther, but without Elba it'd be forgettable

S3 of Sherlock was mediocre, but I'll still be happy to have it back

It seems to me that there are only two reactions to this: those who agree with the outcome, and those who haven't seen both episodes. I love Community, but really, it wasn't in TGW's league this year

Moffat wrote about 3/4 of the good episodes since the revival, so of course people are in rush to see him out the door. I agree that for some reason the pacing of season 7 was problematic, but even then the episodes themselves were at worst 'pretty good' (to be fair I haven't seen any post-JTTCOTT), and he

While I enjoyed True Detective, I'm amazed at how easily it's winning this poll/debate- it was so pretentious. Fargo was delightful

man, I thought Snafu was incredible, like a career-making role. Haven't seen that guy since

Ugh, Angela Cory is the worst. People do know that this was the same D.A. who mishandled the Trayvon Martin case, right? She'd have gotten a conviction on anything but 1st degree murder (premeditation), but she had to overcharge this guy. She's such an embarassment

it's odd hearing criticisms of moffat for season fina arcs when davies' finales were almost all overwrought multipart messes

it wasn't the only one i saw, but it is the episode i think of when i remember watching it at the time

it wasn't the only one i saw, but it is the episode i think of when i remember watching it at the time

i thought it was a dud.  not terrible, but nothing shocking either.  guess my expectations were too high

i thought it was a dud.  not terrible, but nothing shocking either.  guess my expectations were too high