
The pacing in the show is atrocious period. I mentioned in other boards that I feel like Supernatural is Emmy winning material compared to LG. Tight pacing, integrates overall arc with monster of the week fare pretty seamlessly. The back half of LG was a mess. Someone had the bright idea that 2 existential eps should

Never ever compare Tamsin to Faith, Faith was a hardcore insane psycho bitch who is way more Badass in a coma than Tamsin is alert and able. And Buffy wanted to put Faith down until Angel stopped her after the epic showdown between Angel & Faith.

I don't hate Tamsin but I feel like she took over Kenzi's role to a degree and the 2nd half was all about her. Look in the season finale what did Bo do? Absolutely nothing except acting emo and running around from room to room while Tamsin was taking out the guards. For a supercharged Fae she was pretty damn useless.

My problem with the finale is the fact that no plot point was resolved. It does seem like the season was split and the back half was a convoluted mess until 3.12 with the human fae divide.