
Amen. The TV show is a different animal from the graphic novel aka comic. Otherwise - why would they need writers for the TV show? Wouldn't they just use the comic like story boards and film it?

Yes, but people in GoT are also make believe. I was talking about actual history and reality. For example, John Bobbitt survived with the help modern medicine & a nine & a half hour surgery. Sorry I tried to introduce facts.

I realize in the HBO series Ramsay took Theon's "toy." I am saying that is not the case IN THE BOOKS.

I'm not patient enough to read through all the comments so apologies beforehand if there has already been a "lively debate" about this, but the whole misinterpretation of castration is annoying because HBO is just furthering the ignorance of so many. Daenerys and Missandei and their discussion of the "shaft and the

I now painfully want a man-child boyfriend who will call me "kid" like he's channeling an old Jewish man.

I now painfully want a man-child boyfriend who will call me "kid" like he's channeling an old Jewish man.

Is Ted dead or not?  They had to tease us with the finger twitch.  If he is dead, somebody is going to pay off somebody to get that check back from the IRS.  Saul has people or knows a guy who knows a guy.   If he's alive, Skyler is going to get him to sign over the Beneke shop to her.

pictures in Walt's house
Here's a new (I think) item for AVers to expound on: who are the people in the two portrait photos in the hallway in Walt/Skyler's house? It is a woman/girl and a man/boy but they don't look like Skyler, Walt, or Walter Jr. Since everything seems to methodically planned, it bugs me when

It was Gus on the phone! He said "Walter" which is what Gus calls him.

not the usual cliffhanger
For all its flaws and misteps, I still enjoy Weeds. It is touching and ridiculous and gaudy and profane, but it is also weirdly silly and endearing. Every season has ended with a cliffhanger that left me saying, "NO! You can't stop there!" The Pilar-in-the-Pool was the best! Neither

sluggish opening episode
Box Cutter was a sluggish start for the new season. Calling the episode Box Cutter and opening with Gale using the box cutter took away all the surprise. After 9/11, we all know a box cutter is an ominous weapon, and it was clear that someone would die via that blade at the onset. Also,