
I want to create a whole batch of dummy accounts just so I can upvote this more than once.

Agreed. I enjoyed the challenge but it felt very unbalanced - Chocolate Chip Cookie had all the best lines and moments in both scripts, so those were two spots in the top three for the challenge already locked down. (I guess it was theoretically possible for someone to take that role and fuck it up, but even Naysha

But Lucian (co-)wrote 'Jealous Of My Boogie'!

*puts on best McBain voice* That's the joke.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's based on a Belgian series that ran for 10 episodes and barely managed to sustain itself for that long.

These people don't really deserve good television, though.

And it gave us another great Sandra moment (not that we were short of those) when she was the only one to see it for the absolute sack of shit that it was, and the only person to vote for Thunder D to walk the plank - with Lill sat there snipping "his grandmother DIED, Sandra" at her all the while, and Sandra not

I went to EXACTLY the same place when she said that. Glad I wasn't the only one!

It wasn't fantastic drama, it was irresponsible, exploitative drama. No thanks. And I don't credit Jason with the self-awareness to realise that he's sexist either, so I'm sure as hell not taking his word for it.

I really hated this episode. Hated it. Like Carrie said, there's a point where you're sat around watching people almost dying on a beach and you start to feel complicit in what's happening to them. I want to see these people fighting for their lives metaphorically, not literally.

I miss all the "throwing stuff into things" challenges from Caramoan.

I'm sure Scot will be there to explain that it was actually all Alecia's fault for making Jason lose his temper.

With something really pointy.

Are you the Duke Lacrosse team?

Woozle Wuzzle?

Please never have children.

I hope she made the mistake I always make and kept lip-synching "apple sauce" instead of "applause".

I liked Naysha (generally as a human being, I mean, her drag was so-so - although she was gorgeous), but that lip sync was so terrible. I did get a bit of a kick out of the look of mounting panic on her face from about the halfway point onwards once she started to realise she was losing, though.

I thought Bendelacreme was the low-rent Jinkx Monsoon?