Kid Gorgeous

Great, thanks all for the insight.

The Judge Vs. The Kid
Perhaps I need to reread after the Yuma massacre, but I'm a little unclear on this …

Completely agreed, I have a strong anti-Oprah bias on most things (probably because my mom and sister are so brainwashed), but anyone who avoids THE ROAD solely for that reason is really missing out.

So at some point do Ben & Widmore have to unite to truly protect the island?

Voice of the people.

Thanks all, actually.

@ Pilgrim - thanks, good to know. I did enjoy what I read, but that's just one of those novels I'd like to have Cliffs Notes upon completion to see what I may have missed. I will make it a point to get to it ASAP due to all of the recommendations.

Am I an idiot for finding this book that hard to read? I have to pick it up and start over again (lost my copy 50 pages in and have yet to replace it), but I found myself understanding more of the plot from the pre-chapter synopsis than the actual chapter (particularly with the quotation-less dialogue between

@TomWaits - it definitely was a "poetic scene" … just upon initially watching it, I don't think it had the emotional impact that other major scenes of the show have had on me (i.e. Desmond and Penny's phone call in "The Constant"). Either way, it was a huge moment and should make all Locke/Ben scenes that much better

In fairness, I did reply to this prior to reading Noel's post (great work, as always BTW) but it still doesn't change my opinion. Anytime I'm sitting alone (cause I'm that cool) watching a potentially series-changing moment unfold and I say the words "Oh no" out loud five seconds in, it's usually not a good sign for

Really? I find this hard to believe. I loved everything about this episode … except the last five minutes. I really think Ben is easily one of the two or three best characters on the show, but I thought the way the "judgment" scene was carried out was just completely (for lack of a better word) hokey. Somewhat

For me, nothing with ever top Homer's "appearance" on ROCK BOTTOM where he lusts for the babysitter's s-s-s-weet sweet can.

Consider this a ridiculously narrow-minded opinion, but I've never come across a music publication I genuinely like consistently … Spin/Blender/etc. have the occasional good article but I think overall they lack any real quality. Rolling Stone is a mockery of what it once was, and most of the uber-indie publications

It was the best of times, it was the BLURST OF TIMES?!

Sweet Jesus … the more I read these comments, the less I like this topic.

Ped - my apologies, I meant Jesus of Cool and Labour of Lust (stupid mistake).

Indeed, and I was equally thankful to see Big Star included. #1 Record and Radio City are two incredible albums (as well as Third).

Yeah, Smingers did it. Case closed. Now where's my hat? I'm going to the outhouse.

Who was the balding kid in this episode? I bet Mysterion is some random, arbitrary character* who the audience generally doesn't care about, when most people think it's Kenny/Clyde/etc.

@ Wally - for what it's worth, surprisingly of average-stature. Just freak injuries.