
Still better than the Jonas Brothers
New Rule: If you're 14yrs old and accidentally 'pull a Friday'. Immediately change your hair style, take some IB music theory, finish school, learn to play an instrument (and how to color grade your music videos), and above all swear off youtube and twitter until you have something

Still better than the Jonas Brothers
New Rule: If you're 14yrs old and accidentally 'pull a Friday'. Immediately change your hair style, take some IB music theory, finish school, learn to play an instrument (and how to color grade your music videos), and above all swear off youtube and twitter until you have something

Still better than the Jonas Brothers
New Rule: If you're 14yrs old and accidentally 'pull a Friday'. Immediately change your hair style, take some IB music theory, finish school, learn to play an instrument (and how to color grade your music videos), and above all swear off youtube and twitter until you have something

TV too fun to argue with…
I agree with the Dr. Who comparisons about the show. I wish they are more daring with using history in the writing, look how much mileage Stargate got! They could probably choose somewhat better subject matter for the arcs of the show, but my skepticism about the new season was blown away