
I freaking LOVE you all dissecting the familial relationship of the characters…it tells me you love the show as much as I do! DISSECT AWAY YOU GREENDALE GEEKS!!!! :)

There was certainly the scene where Leonard has Howard's girlfriend and is sneaking out to see her and tells Sheldon to cover for him and tell people Leonard's gone "…to the office"…which Sheldon can't say without an awkward hand gesture which gives away his lying.  So yes, its been done before…and it was funnier the

There was certainly the scene where Leonard has Howard's girlfriend and is sneaking out to see her and tells Sheldon to cover for him and tell people Leonard's gone "…to the office"…which Sheldon can't say without an awkward hand gesture which gives away his lying.  So yes, its been done before…and it was funnier the

Yes!  Thank you!  What is Oliver's preoccupation with the topic of Raj being gay?  Gay or not…is the character well written?  Are the jokes relevant and well timed?  Is the actor making the most of the part?  Now that his three friends have women in their lives, would he seek our other non-sexual forms of

Yes!  Thank you!  What is Oliver's preoccupation with the topic of Raj being gay?  Gay or not…is the character well written?  Are the jokes relevant and well timed?  Is the actor making the most of the part?  Now that his three friends have women in their lives, would he seek our other non-sexual forms of

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver…how old are you?  You say "…
and Leonard decides to ask Penny out. There’s no real motivation given for his spontaneous action…".  This makes me question your age.  Did you see Leonard staring at Penny?  Did you see Penny smiling, doing something simple?  If you had ANY heart (or life experience)

He has a daughter…so, unless she's adopted…he did at least once! :)

I always thought it was because (aside from being very deadpan, which Michael can't play to in his bits in front of the group at meetings), Toby was HR, he was Corporate, and he was not "under" Michael…so to Michael he felt like a spy.  I could be way off…but I've been a manager/director and I've dealt with corporate

Are you saying "No ladies want him" or "No, ladies DO want him"?

"(Not like that, you pervs.)"  
Its nice that you recognize us for the people we truly are. :)

Finally, to Todd…I probably speak for many of us when I echo your words to us, back to you:

I love this fuckin' show!

Are we just a bunch of degenerates who look at the talented women on this show, actresses who express their art through comedy…the timing and delivery of which requires great internal talent as well as an ability to look at something in a truly unique way and share it with others?

OMFG…that animated GIF… I'll be back in a few minutes folks, I'm just gonna…ummmm….brb

"Oh, Britta's in this?" - Dean

My favorite moment of this episode was the glare Annie threw at Troy while hugging Abed once they entered the apartment and found they'd been "robbed".

Shouldn't you know the names of the characters as a qualification to review it?  He's FRANK!  The "creepy guy" has a name.  You get paid for this???

I can't read this idiot Oliver anymore.  Bye!

Forgive me…but I just re-read your review Todd…I have to restate…it was BRILLIANT.  And its also nice to see, having followed you over from BBT, how lovingly you write for a show you truly adore.

BRILLIANT episode of my favorite show, and an excellent and insightful review.