Comma Police

Anyone else disappointed she wasn't wearing her 30 Rock outfit?

I laughed pretty loudly at that one. I think it just caught me off guard, I mean how many times is the actual word "incest" spoken on network TV?

John Behr.
Barney's secretly an Orthodox Catholic.

You've read the newswire; now, a reminder for the next time you're at an intersection in Austin tx (or wherever your local homeless gather):
Giving money to bums - Boo! Socialist scum! Bootstraps and such.
But…as long as you ruggedly, individually made the choice to give money to bums - Ayn Rand Stamp of Approval.

How many shrugs could an Atlas Shrugged shrug if an Atlas Shrugged could shrug Shruggeds?

Forgive me Lord McRib, I swear from now on my posts will be purely upbeat and positive, always praising the infallible Mr. King.
I realize the AVC is no place for attempted sarcasm and for that I apologize.

You mean a sequel to a 37 year old book nobody asked for is only OK at best?
I'm shocked.

Oh and one more thing:
Emily Thorne vs. Veronica Mars - who wins in that matchup?
I mean of course we win regardless, but which one of those two lovely ladies walks away?

And they JUST added the second season to netflix instant like a week ago.
Gonna be a long, winding, knife-in-back-y road this week to catch up.

Just don't let him borrow/steal your car.

When the hell does animation domination start back up?
I'm ready for more American Dad and to have Simpsons playing in the background while I do laundry and stuff.
Wait, when does ADad move to TBS? Is the only redeemable show left on Fox Sundays going to be Bob's Burgers??

To anyone who watches Cougar Town:

Coming back? That new show coming to Comedy Central?

I wonder if they'll do a Zimmerman episode. It was in the commercial but that could just be illustrating how much wtf news they have to work with this season.

Never any packets, though.

Why don't you two just get a room?

School is for fools. Look at meee!
( was that bum the radio bum from 30 Rock, et al.?)

Or for a portmanteau:
Whoever stars in this movie is a cock gobbler…

Grown Ups 3: 2 Jack 2 Jill.
Est. budget of $160mil.

I believe you mean hAACCHnukkah.
We would have also accepted [shawn]ukkah.