Dr. Klahn

You and your friend know how to fucking party, I'll give you that.

Troy and Abed tying nooses.

Troy and Abed tying nooses.

I don't follow.

Come on, man, you use a toaster oven - you [i]hire[/i] a hooah.

Matt Walsh is always good in everything, but he is GREAT on Veep.

"I'm getting too old for this dick."

you had to have been there.


From your username I assume you're a superfan of Red Letter Media, so pardon me if I picture you as a super hunky guy with no problems talking to women.

This lady is a top-shelf actor and a god damn delightful person.

Stay firstie, my friend.

If only she had the Kenneth role all along.

Don't doubt him.  He's a chameleon.

A living legend.  He should start a sketch group with Greg Oden and Justin Kirk, and then call the group Odenkirk, Oden, and Justin.

Edit: Shit, I did the wrong joke in the thing place.
I wish there was a delete option.

First viewing I enjoyed but felt a bit overwhelmed by the pace and density of it.

hot.  hot hot hod.

The scene or the weasels?