Dr. Klahn

(“I solved your riddle.” Well, Molly solved your riddle, but you were certainly there when she did it.)

Charlie Brooker! Funniest man on tv.

Ooo, I wonder if this will renew interest in my criminally ignored "Letterman Thanks a Musician" tumblr!

I didn't ask you to change it, just wanted to point out how you may be unintentionally offending people.

This is as good a place as any to say, I hate your avatar ALOT, BonerTime.  Not only did Andrew Koenig die in a notably awful and sad manner, but your photo of him was probably taken about two decades after Growing Pains was canceled.


Come through Virginia yet?  Take me with you when you leave?

All you really offered her was some light sightseeing and maybe a game.  What if she just thinks you're a boring friend?  Let it go already.

Somewhere, Hugo Schwyzer cries and masturbates.

So Monk wasn't about obsessive-compulsive disorder, that disorder that's nothing at all like autism? Jeez, I watched all 1200 hours of that wrong.

4 5 therefore 9
 9  9 therefore 18
 18 18 therefore 35,533.53
 4 5 thererfore 9

4 5 therefore 9
 9  9 therefore 18
 18 18 therefore 35,533.53
 4 5 thererfore 9

Medium talent!

Medium talent!

"Hey seniors, black people, poor people - what do you have in common? Is it that I'm not one of you? Nope!

"Hey seniors, black people, poor people - what do you have in common? Is it that I'm not one of you? Nope!

Poor guy.  He just misses his little buddy Lars.

Poor guy.  He just misses his little buddy Lars.

After feeding Rumsfeld and Cheney, yeah they just dumped it all.