Jefferson D Arcy

Archie just punched through 10 inch thick ice!! WTF?!? is he supposed to be some sort of super hero? I dont know the comics too well but is he?

That Katja Herbers has been on some great shows already. Manhattan, The Americans and now Leftovers. Good job. Very cool to hear her yell some sentences in her native Dutch.

This show is awesome. Equal parts sweet, clever, messed up and laugh-out-loud funny. And great production value.
Loved the falling star that was actually an airliner exploding in mid air.

This has to be renewed right? Hands down one of the funniest shows on TV and I am so glad AV Club made me notice it. Don't remember hearing about this show anywhere else.

This is a great show! Glad i read about it here on AVClub. Here's hoping it gets renewed soon.