Hooch is Crazy

How about Wayne Brady?

Holy crap I didn't get that until now.

How did I get a Pushing Daisies notification for when Smash moved to Saturday nights, but not for this?

Not quite the same thing, but the first seven times I saw Josh Ritter I really wanted to hear "Temptation of Adam" and finally did on the 8th time. It felt so good.

Thanks! I definitely am so far, although I'm having trouble sticking to this 2 episodes a week thing. I'm already two ahead of David.

This is my first time watching the show, and can someone explain to me (or tell me that it will be explained eventually) why Richard still works? He seems fairly old and also unfathomably rich…isn't that when people retire?

I'd like to hear more about this five year plan for the show.

I somehow found Marnie singing to be much more unnerving.

Is it 100 episodes that puts a show into syndication? I'd think that TBS would give it another season to try and get to that number, right? Is that how these things work? Although, Season 5 would have to be 24 episodes to get there.

I believe you mean "Unsent", as "Unwell" is a Matchbox Twenty song and I don't think it was in this episode. Also, I think that both Ian Gomez and Josh Hopkins being in Alanis Morissette videos is too big of a coincidence to ignore.

Holy crap! My girlfriend just gave me the first two seasons of Gilmore Girls on DVD! I haven't even started watching yet! I can watch along with TV Club Classic! Nothing like this has ever happened to me before! This is one of the greatest days of my life! 

The line (or perhaps line reading) of the night for me goes to Bobby for "Aw man, love is blind" after being told that Annabelle is Chick's horse. It's just something about the way that he said it - he's so sweet.

It's spelled dershwarsher. 

Yeah I've heard that too, which is really impressive because Scrubs had some of the best use of music in television, but I would wonder if she has anything to do with the episode titles.

I like to think that the writers pick the Tom Petty songs slash titles as best they can to fit the episode, therefore Travis and Laurie will "meet again" at some point.

I was pastly surprised, since it happened yesterday.

Yeah, I understand the metaphor, but I always disagree with people who say that in sports…but I do agree with it in terms of television. So, basically, exactly what @avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus just said.

Science is boring. You're insufferable.

The looks on Chris and Andy's faces when they stood up to during Jamm's interruption may be my favorite moment of the series.

Barb is too representative of the 'old' Cougar Town.