
You really went one step beyond with that comment.

You really went one step beyond with that comment.

Carl Weathers

Carl Weathers

When is the porn parody coming?
Pretty sure they'll call it Charlie's Angels.

Thrilling Cities
YES! So glad to see you'll be doing this one. I picked it up in a random bookstore a year ago, and it contains some real gems, including a bit where Ian Fleming says that the only good thing about going to New York City is getting to drink Miller High Life.

You're not a very good pimp.

Who you think you are!? - w/ Mo'Nique

Show jeremy Renner the way… to oblivion!!!!!!

this is actually one of the few games (along with that new silent hill) that has made me want to get a Wii. I can't think of any game that looks more out-right crazy on any console today.

Ricky Gervais - the next Woody Allen?
Well he seems to have been unusually prolific these last few years. If he keeps it up, hopefully he makes a few winners. A constructive discussion of the two artist's oeuvres is sure to follow.