
I'm sure I'll catch flak for this, but Carrie DID blow up an entire wedding, slaughtering dozens including women and children, and then defended her decision afterwards, saying they had it coming because they were associates of Haqqani… I'm sure Tasneem would make the argument that Carrie is a terrorist in her own

I loved the episode. Though I had a bit of a problem with how willing Raven was to send Clarke to her death. Surely, she didn't think Clarke could stab the grounder commander while surrounded by the grounder army without being killed? "I owe him my life," Raven says…. Clarke should've responded, "Okay, so then why

I didn't really have a problem with Mary blaming/associating Francis with the rape… I mean, it was kind of all his fault, no? He made terrible decisions and lied to her repeatedly, not to protect as he claims, but because he was ashamed of the situation he got himself in and didn't want to admit it and look weak in

I think the one who killed Sara was definitely Thea. Sara was killed by a Dark archer type figure, but it was clearly someone she recognized and didn't think she had reason to fear, like Thea. And the last time we saw Thea she was getting into a car with Malcolm Merlin. Anyone else agree?

She wasn't raped. Anyone who has watched this show all season should know that Claire has a magical anti-rape shield.

There's definitely been a decline. I was kinda hoping the show would pull out of it, but your comment is not encouraging.

Maybe this is nit-picky, but here's my question… It was presented as a twist that Cayden wanted to sell the death worm on the black market… Well, what the hell did they think he was gonna do with it? He showed up, announced himself as a mercenary, and then said he was looking for a WMD. What part of that led them to

Someone should really retroactively remove ENTOURAGE from that HBO trailer. That's a pretty damn astonishing slate of shows all airing at the same time on one network (and with SFU just having ended), but having ENTOURAGE as the last show we see sort of diminishes the effect.

I guess the impression I got was that Marty's blunder with the pharmaceutical was bad enough that he couldn't be saved from Norbert's (now non-existent) wrath, not that it was so bad that they'd want to lose the ultra-effective Marty just because of that mistake alone.

My issue with the episode is that I don't entirely understand the stakes for Marty. My initial understanding was that this merger was bad for Marty because Greg Norbert hated him and was going to make sure that Marty's career hit a dead-end under Metro Capital. However, if Norbert has had a change of heart, then I'm

Yeah, I was gonna say… Some fan of Walking Dead and Eastbound is out there somewhere, watching The Shield for the first time on DVD and experiencing this as a group of three dead Shanes.

"Cam’s fall is also a pretty obvious metaphor for the unifying theme of the episode, which is dealing with the aftermath of various “verbal” slips."

But that was 1997, and so wouldn't have been influenced by the The Sopranos, which aired in 1999.

The article raises an interesting overall point, but I don't know that I'd single out The Sopranos as the culprit. The Sopranos in particular, since it was character-driven rather than plot-driven, was able to create stunning individual episodes of television that were complete in and of themselves, while also

I thought season 3 was a lot of fun. Not the same as the twisty, epic greatness that was season 2 (and much of season 1), but nevertheless I think season 3 is definitely worth watching. Most Alias fans I know feel the same as well.

"Because it's not his job. He's not getting paid to do math."
But he was very recently getting paid to do math at the highest of levels. Doesn't amateur carry a connotation beyond "not currently getting paid?" I mean, will we call Peyton Manning an amateur football player if he can't play in the NFL anymore? Seems like

Game could go either way. Both great clutch quarterbacks, but Eli has gotten better of Brady in their recent meetings.

Here's a question I've been wondering about for weeks now. Since Will knows Wendy is going after Peter, and Kalinda now knows Wendy is threatening to have Alicia disbarred (which would obviously screw over Peter's political ambitions), why doesn't either Kalinda or Will let Peter know that Wendy is going after him, so