
Sure, I agree with all that. I also simply think that A LOT of people would have been too confused, terrified, and shell-shocked to call the police immediately in that scenario. Presumably Vera told him something like, "If my guys see a cop, they kill Shayla immediately." It would take a particular degree of

I think Vera would have a much better chance of using Elliot as an exploit in the future if he'd left Shayla alive. After all, it's not like Vera can now kidnap Angela and threaten to kill her unless Elliot does what he wants. Because Elliot now knows that Vera will kill Angela anyway in that scenario. I think this is

Yeah, but Vera, though incredibly smart and crafty as a street player, is not the FBI or the mafia, ya know? I've no doubt that a brilliant hacker like Elliot could have made himself and Shayla disappear from a street player like Vera, erasing their digital footprint so he could never find them. They'd have to leave

Love the show. Having said that, it's way more fun to nitpick than rave in these comments. So here's my big beef with the end of that episode… Are we really supposed to believe Adam would marry a girl he considers a "fake paper doll," and stay married to her for a whole year, just so the girl he actually wants can be

Jon Snow is the worst politician in history. "I put an arrow through his heart." Talk about telling the worst possible version of a story… Jesus. Thank god Tormund was there.

Maybe I'm crazy, but if it were me, I'd have gone ahead and saved my mom. What's so great about Barry's life in the current timeline? He doesn't even have the girl. And he's so busy worrying about how all this will impact him, what about everyone else? And what about his mom? Doesn't she deserve to, ya know, not be

Not to be the most annoying man alive, but I'm pretty sure the plan involves 19 cows.

I buy that Petra loves Rafael because the actress is so good, but when I stop to think about the history of the show for too long it gets tougher to believe… I mean, if she loved him so much, then why did she have affairs with his two closest friends, Lachlan and Roman (in fact, they seem to have been his only two

Never said her life was over. I said if she handled the situation more intelligently she could've given herself a much better shot of walking out the door with her full payout, instead of half. And she still could've taken the rolodex in that scenario, but would've had 250k more dollars in her pocket.

Well, that's true to an extent, but I think it overlooks some of the very shrewd, practical decisions Joan has made when it comes to surviving, both in life and in business. She made smart choices to earn wealth and influence at SC & P, even if it ultimately involved her succumbing to the patriarchal system and

I feel like Joan handled this whole situation very poorly. She usually has more practical sense. She should've known that threatening a raging sexist was only going to have one result. I wonder if it might've been better for her to come right out and say what the problem was, instead of hinting around it and vaguely

I hope you're right!

Yeah, Abby said his views were unchanged. But then the press told Abby they had no idea what that means. I think the reason they don't know what she means is because Fitz has never stated his views clearly. And also I'm pretty sure it's stated early in the episode that Fitz has never gone on record with his position

Well, I'm no conservative… But it is rather tough not to both hate and be impressed with the guy, regardless of your politics. He's pretty shrewd for a megalomaniac.

The best part of Liv's pitch to Sally was the notion of Sally going toe to toe with Putin. My god, can you imagine what would happen to Sally Crazy Pants Langston if she tried to tussle with Putin? That woman wouldn't make it back from Moscow alive.

The big difference, as I see it, is that all the other times the president hired a murderous traitor who tried to start a coup (think about that sentence for a moment), he didn't know at the time that they were murderous traitors. This time, he knows what Sally is, but is still willing to make her the most important

The funniest part to me is the notion that Fitz has never had to publicly state his views on gay marriage. He's a republican president with a gay chief of staff in his second term who's been through two national elections, but somehow, the issue of gay marriage has never come up. And he still doesn't have to give an

You could be right! My hunch is we may still see an episode where Olivia uncovers some new piece of evidence that leads her to realize Huck is the killer. But we'll see! Maybe you're right, and she'll realize she knew all along.

Olivia's plan to stop Sally was brilliant! Now all she needs to do is unearth the murderous sham marriage of every single other talking head on TV and her problem will be solved!!! Unless Michael's lover doesn't think to contact any other media outlets. Perhaps he's under the impression that Sally Langston is the only

I don't think that's so clear. If Olivia really read between the lines and knew about Huck in that scene with Quinn, then why did Quin persist in making the argument that Olivia shouldn't turn the evidence over to the police on account of the damage it would do to Abby? That sounded to me like Quinn coming up with an