Vonnequia Jackson

"Beakman's World" is what you were thinking. Although I thought he was actually first. I don't know - I preferred Bill.

How in the world can you poison a man with the name "Science Guy" as part of his name?! He'd know immediately upon smell its chemical makeup and call the cops!! Dumb bitch!

Hmm.."Raging cunts" sounds like a good name for a band. Or is there one already?

I love this movie
I have put a curse on anyone who doesn't absolutely adore this film. That burning sensation in your nether regions? Yes, that would be it. I do apologize, but it simply had to be done. Ta ta!

I think Sophia said…
"I like it up the ass."

Why do I like this show?
I think they put something in my strawberry pie. Ah well, I'll keep taking whatever they dish out to me. This is a pleasing hour of television. Why did I think Emerson was already married? I enjoyed his "Vertigo-esque" dream.

The real issue..
Why have the woman from "Good Morning America" on the cover at all? Cancer isn't sexy! She's taking away all the sexiness with her stupid unsexy disease.

Stupid women's programming
Who the fuck would want to go on a show that appeals to women?! Everyone knows they never go to movies!

I like the one with Gore Vidal and Kurt Vonnegut (before he died) bitch slappin' each other but then joining together over their shared love of a delicious Sonic Blast.

Executive Producer Donald P. Bellisario
Damn! How did you know I still have an unhealthy fascination with Magnum P.I. and Quantum Leap?

Shit, I'm Canadian?!
I've owned a Mustang, I love Target, and indeed I have seen an episode of Friends or two. So Canadian I must be. What in hell am I going to tell my parents?! They already think I'm off for voting Democrat.

Keep your voices down!
She could buy and sell each and every one of us and replace us all with Cocker Spaniels if the mood struck her.

Of course I chuckled at the "Andy sings acapella while Jim smirks" line, but really, I'd watch that in a heartbeat. If they threw in a little Creed hilariously tossing out non sequiturs, my TV life would be complete!!

Hatin' on the Office? What?!
I didn't like this episode. Not even the Rollie Fingers could do it for me. It was probably due to the lack of Creed. And Darryl. And Angela. And even fucking asshole Ryan. Boo! Hiss! Or maybe I'm just in a bitchy mood. Pah!

Why I remember back in '88
I remember the strike in 1988, it was the first year I really started to watch David Letterman. The main thing I recall was him making toast and flinging it out into the audience or getting a shave on the air. Funniest stuff I'd ever seen. (Hey - I was quite young) I also recall nearly

Hey, I like country music, but…
Give me Merle Haggard any day over half a dozen pretty boys like Keith Urban. Sure Merle is a dried up old fig now, but have you ever heard "I Take a Lot of Pride in What I Am" or "Mama Tried?"

Thanks, AV Club!
I guess I've had my head up a pumpkin lately. I hadn't even heard this was coming on until reading it here. I guess AV Club is good for something after all. This and the Christmas special are the most joyous things I can think of to watch on television. That and non-stop porn maybe, but that is it.

Simple solution
So the answer is to get rid of those pesky blacks who keep coining these words? Aha!

Especially if she has pointy-faceness

Steve Carell
I love Steve Carell, but was concerned when I saw the previews for this movie. It looked to be annoyingly cutesy. So far I've read nothing but positive reviews. I'm glad, because I also have a bad feeling about his next flick - "Get Smart." (Guess I'm a pessimist) That TV show was so great that I don't