
That wasn't a death drop!! Laganja did do a death drop right after that though but Joslyn didn't do one

For me personally, I don't think anyone will ever take that title away from Rebecca Glasscock

Last place checking in!!!!!!!!

Exactly. From this episode, you get the sense that Jesse is going to get away and Hank is going to die. I'm guessing it'll be the other way around. Also I imagine Todd would end up getting the killshot on Jesse just as he's about to get out of there just because he would think it would be following the orders of Mr.…

Of course when Hank makes the phone call to Marie and they tell each other they love them, you 100% know that he's going to die now, but I can't help but think that was too obvious. I see him surviving the shootout…Gomie on the other hand, RIP.

holy fucking shit my life means nothing

I don't normally post but I will defend the Purple Rock to death. One of my favorite things the show has ever done.

Twinnies need to win this. They were such a hot mess. So entertaining though.

Twinnies need to win this. They were such a hot mess. So entertaining though.

Came here to make sure Gilmore Girls was on the list

Came here to make sure Gilmore Girls was on the list

I totally agree with the Jeff thing. He definitely didn't bring his A-game.

Am I the only one that's pissed that you got Avogadro's number wrong? The exponent is positive 23, buddy.

Great episode.