
And another called "Bing, Again!"

Totally agree. I wish they'd go to an hour, as I love and welcome their banter, but I feel like they skip around or only touch upon the episode too briefly to really get into it. That aside, as another diehard Dave Holmes fan, I'm really enjoying this podcast.

It's become a fun game for me while watching "The Goldbergs" to try to pick out what in each episode is going to be the real "devoted to" clip at the end of the show. The picture was so specifically horrible that I *knew* it had to be the one. Even knowing we'd see the real picture, when it popped up at the end I

My husband and I rewound and paused on the photo for a good solid five minutes and discussed our favorite parts about it through laughter. It was gold.

I haven't seen this movie in years, but I loved it as a teenager. I remember thinking it belonged in its own genre, not clumped in with the "Sweet Home Alabamas" and other Reese/Kate Hudson vehicles of the time. Happy to hear it still stands up.

For the past week, my husband has been shouting "My pants!" just before letting out a comical fart. Till death do us part, indeed.

It's EXACTLY like that.

So can we assume that Carol has been married before? She's been told that she's "good at this," and seems to have her coital preferences figured out. But, of course, she wouldn't have had sex in the pre-virus world without being married…

VH1 has been running a big SNL marathon, and the other day I was watching an episode from around 2007. I forget who the host was, but Chevy Chase had made a special appearance in the episode and was there on stage for the thank-yous. Immediately after the thank you, when the cast begins hugging at the end, Amy Poehler

That was evil Budweiser, not MillerCoors.

Advocare? I have a couple people on my Facebook feed that do nothing else but scream about that product all day, and try to recruit new "distributors." As soon as I heard the protein-shake pyramid scheme on this episode, my mind went immediately to that.

Yes, and that's why cats are the most badass of all domestic animals.

Every time my mother-in-law listens to that song, she cries. EVERY SINGLE TIME. She doesn't turn it off, either. She just listens through to the end, knowing the tears will come. Knowing the pain that god-awful song brings her.

Thank you. Dog owners are a thousand times "crazier" about their pets than cat owners. And what's so bad about loving a certain kind of animal anyway? Cats are hilarious, easy to care for and make you *earn* their affection. Dogs are needy and ruin everything.

My high school had a junior-senior prom which was always held in the gym. There were also risers that the public could sit on outside and watch as the kids walked in, red-carpet style. It was incredibly embarrassing. Especially the year we had to enter the prom through a 12-foot-tall plywood space ship.

This is the exact reaction I had! I felt more complete, eyes welled up with / actual / happy tears from this ending than the original ending. After the original ending, I wasn't able to speak about what I'd seen for about half an hour. When I did try to explain to my husband why I was so disappointed, I just started

Absolutely! Both are within two blocks of my stomping grounds, and charming is the best way to describe them. So many fun places in Bay View, alone.

I could argue against Summerfest, as well, save for just seeing the spectacle of it all. Plus, if you're from out of town, you can't really get more bang for your buck anywhere else. Trust me, I hate people just as much as anyone, but if you go on a day with more than two bands that you'd be willing to see (for the

I had so many feelings about Knapsack in my youth. So many of them. I'd drive to around in my bitchin' '87 Celica just blasting both Three Days and This Conversation and continued on having feelings. Then I met a boy who played This Conversation in his van (his van!) on our first date and the feelings were shared. So