Danny it is not a symbol it is

I am drunk and mad
NO NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL!!!!! But the KILLERS!!!! AHHHHH. AV Club writers have NO SOULS!!!!!

If this can get a sitcom…
then Warrissey gets one too.

No being able to find my crack pipe, aside… this album is not as bad as I thought it would be. Listened to it at work (passively) but being a New Order freak… not that bad. Although, I give them a fail for not putting fat ass Val Kilmer on the cover

It was just Bob Newhart dreaming that Aliens were real and that Milla's last name had a soft " J"

Yes. Bowie doesn't play for free.

Hmmm… Gwen or David Spade. I think Spade takes the "I'm blonde and greedy" cake.

Chapter 1
The real reason why every album after the Carnival sucked…