
Wishlist, Pearl Jam. Right after the part about the Camaro. Gives me good chills every time. It's brief and beautiful.

Don't forget the time he asked the boys to steal him an engine for two buckets of fried chicken and a drive to the liquor store.

Kind of surprised that Pearl Jam's "Insignificance" wasn't on here.

An Impact Zone reference. Is this the smarkiest headline in AV Club history?

I grew up in a town right outside of Youngstown, OH. It was a pretty big deal when Tom Joad came out.

I just watched this episode, and now I'm thinking about the night after Eddie died. Damn.

Braid. Always and forever Braid.

Levon Helm and his band opened for the Black Crowes.

"You got greedy, Martin."

With apologies to Charlie Murphy.

Wrong! Wrong!

Fred Rogers, Kurt Angle, Andy Warhol and the RZA. Pittsburgh born.

I think people need to chill a little bit about this show. It's decent and it's got soul.

"Don't Change Your Plans for Me"  Ben Folds Five

I think Colonial Penn Life Insurance is going to be pissed.

I feel like Carl Sagan's original Pale Blue Dot speech from The Cosmos is the only thing I want to watch after digesting the images of the last week.

Word.  Domino's Nigeria story is good, so is Tracy "I deliver pizza to support my wrestling habit" Smothers.

Word.  Domino's Nigeria story is good, so is Tracy "I deliver pizza to support my wrestling habit" Smothers.

Koto song was always my favorite.  Sounded like music to Braid.  RIP

Koto song was always my favorite.  Sounded like music to Braid.  RIP