
web page is jacked
just fyi, when you click on the tv button at the top, you get old stuff, not the most recent posts. and if you click on the community button on the right, you only get the posts for episodes 1 and 2. this has been happening all over this site for a while and it's starting to make me crazy…please

torture prison threat
I thought the threat was totally unbelievable, in that the Iranian would be scared about that. But maybe that's because I just watched the Daily Show episode with Maziar Bahari where he talks about how Iranians are *much* better at torturing people than Americans are.

Nobody's going to read this, but I just watched this film on HBO and the part of it that made me almost lose my cookies was that there was a vast conspiracy. People are stupid, ignorant assholes more often than they are members of a kabal. Just sayin'.

Seriously. My husband and I are fighting for the TV every Sunday night now. I wish Mad Men had a different time slot! And yes, we have DVR, but there are some shows I can't wait to watch.

Unless I see them naked, I assume all men look like Ken dolls underneath their pants.

Yeah, I figured that out later..I'm a dork!

I'm sorry, I'm new to these message board thingies.

Have we decided whether Ken is gay or straight or androgynous? Am I really supposed to believe he's a ladies man??

@2x mom… duuuude chiiiiiiill.. yes, people are commenting on things they don't know anything about, but you've only had two kids (I've had one, recently), I don't think that makes either of us experts. I didn't have a BM during delivery, although I've heard it happens somewhere around half the time. Philosophies

i think he responded sexually to bobbie because of her strengths but in the end he couldnt stand her for her weaknesses (or am i projecting? she repulses the shit out of me). i also feel like there is still a strong urge in don to do things just because he can. he seems to keep waiting for someone to call him a

i think he recognized her instantly. they were married so he would recognize her from any number of small mannerisms (in case you don't believe he could pick out her blonde head in a crowd). i wouldn't be surprised if he chuckled to himself while lenore described her thinking "damn sounds just like jessica." but

hooray Yeardley Smith! I love her.

Both. Thanks for the link!

this whole stream=boo

I heard it, too.

more whingeing
The latest recap for KotH/Simpsons/etc is not working :-(

Where the fuck is the recap of the finale????