Thanks, otto man, I've been sitting on that one since about 2002.
Thanks, otto man, I've been sitting on that one since about 2002.
Daria's a more realistic Janeane Garofalo.
I just caught up to the latest season of Curb, and had to check wikipedia to find out JLD is fourty-nine. Fourty-nine! How is this possible!? She looks better than she did in 1990!
Yeah, but he lives in the UK now. And have you *seen* the land there? Ain't no livin' off *that*.
That said, Caribou is not an unpleasant name. Plus, calling himself that stops people from thinking he's *from* Manitoba. I mean, who really comes from Manitoba, right?
I've rented the lesser works of Werner Herzog and John Waters knowing that if I was bored with the film I could just switch over to the commentary and hear some fucked-up stories about the production.
Excuse me, I believe I requested some hating on Yann Martel. Yann Martel *specifically*.
Anyway, can't we get back to what really matters? Hating on Yann Martel? I still have tons of pent-up annoyance over his obnoxious AV Club interview a couple years ago. At least this time, most of the commenters here are in the "Martel is a douche" camp rather than the "Martel is a fascinating genius whose every…
Anyway, my point was not that having an degree in economics means you have nothing to learn, but just that as an educated person, and, you know, prime minister of a country, he probably has better things to worry about than Yann Martel's reading list. I'm no fan of Harper, but he's not a moron, nor is his ideology so…
Ummmm… do you know who Stephen Harper is?
God damn it, you guys stole my line several hours before I wrote it. Fuckers.
Incidentally, anybody else really, really want to see Kilmer play fat Elvis?