Your Own Personal Rhesus

Just so I have this straight: You're taking issue with a letter grade. Of a book you haven't read. And will never read. Based not on the content of the review, but on your reaction to the the author's books written let's see… sixteen years ago. Just making sure.

The trick, I find, is to go for a short run. Forces you to change your clothes and shower and you can look back on the day as having done at least one thing other than play Civilization IV for 15 hours straight.

Seriously, Kittens, does somebody strap you down, put your head in a vice and force you to watch every new Kevin Smith film? Smith has done some pretty poor films, but there's soulless studio product released every single week that's probably worse than his worst.

No, but Castle made a lot of films, made a lot of money and ensured people would still be talking about him today.

I didn't mean they *were* physicists, just that their sensibility would fit right in (at least in the era before a mass-marketed "geek culture" flattened out all the idiosyncrasies).

Hey, Doc, ever heard of a little band called Man or Astr0-Man?

Uninformed position on controversial issue!

What a disappointment *Stiller* is?? This movie has Robert FUCKING De Niro in it and that *alone* makes me want to avoid it like the plague! How did it come to this, Bob?? Why??

You know, I'd always heard about the SCUM Manifesto but this was the first time I'd read it (or, you know, the first dozen sentences). I ha no idea how awesome it was. This is how it opens:

Just don't expect it back right away. Or even, you know, next year.

Pacino and De Niro! They're COPS! And they're investigating MURDERS! I'm in!

I want in on this. What's the over-under on calls for Tobias' immediate firing?

Lots of Americans seem to like him. Are you sure you're not just plain dull?

Holy crap, so much for Orca Masturbator being a dead-end job!

Holy shit, there are a lot of scientists on this board.

I'm not American, but I've heard stories. Stories that millions of Americans — some in positions of authority, even! — are registered Republicans or registered Democrats and somehow able to do their jobs without taking marching orders from the extreme wings of their parties.

Not Yet Rated is one-third moderately interesting documentary. The other two-thirds are (1) Kirby Dick sucking up to every celebrity willing to appear on camera and cry "censorship"; and (2) a denouncement of McCarthyism followed, without a hint of self-awareness, by trying to show how tainted anyone connected to the

May you die of rabies, wearing another mans clothes.

They had THEIR moments, too.

The Hell, Hal Hartley?
Simple Men, Trust and The Unbelievable Trusth are three near-perfect films. Amateur and Henry Fool had there moments. Since then, terrible, terrible movies. What the hell happened?