Sweet Zombie Jesus

Topher in the limo was a really good touch to show just how cut off he really is from the rest of the world. Sure, a limo's cool and all, but Topher reminded me of my younger sister's first time in a limo, when she was 7.
… Speaking of which, I hope we get back to Amy Acker's character soon. It will be interesting

I will miss this when it's gone.
First off, Enver Gjokaj really can do anything. In my opinion, he's consistently proven himself as the most versatile actor on the show, and I could have used a lot more Topher/Vic-Topher time. It was flipping awesome.

I currently live in upstate New York, but am originally from Atlanta. Not a one of my friends has heard of BPB in either state. But that's just my experience.

Agreed on both comments.
I kept waiting for Sue to come out, and once the credits started rolling at the end, I was like… what!? That can't be it. But it was, which made it all the more tragic.
They've already shown that they can handle a big ensemble, so it's about time that Santana, Other Asian and… Dutch girl(?)…

The only artist I can really think of as missing is Bonnie Prince Billy: I don't know if I'm really surprised not to see any of his work, seeing as how it's all relatively obscure, but Lie Down in the Light and The Letting Go are two of the best albums I've heard in recent years.

Dot.Com's panicky "Why would he say that to me?!" was pretty damn great. As well as his snap "I'll need a piano."

Thoughts a few hours later
Right after the episode, I turned the TV off thinking that it was a relatively funny week, but nothing special. But then I think about it later, and there were so many good moments. Maybe it's just because this the bar is set so high for this show that nothing's immediately impressive.

I salute you, Danny DeVito
Even on an off week, DeVito can find gold. Not a great episode, but the uncomfortable Kiss From a Rose combined with the jorts? Pretty classic. Perhaps even more so with the fact that this weekend is the UGA/UF game, as jorts are a staple of any Gator fan's wardrobe.
Plus, a nice little

Next week teased both shirtless Dennis and the return of Green Man, which pretty much guarantees at least a B+. I hope it lives up to the hype.

"I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help picturing small birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and I find it disgusting."

I disagree, especially when they play a rerun of Sweet Dee has a Heart Attack afterwards. Tonight's episode was funny enough, but it seems like they haven't gotten back into the rhythm of the show completely. I mean, the Pepe Silvia rant? That gets an A all by itself. It was the best of the season, but not the

Freakish pastime exports
Sorry, but I have to think that Britain was way ahead of us on this one. Anyone else watched BBC America in the early morning? 5 words: "Love me, love my doll."

You know, that hunter souffle looks a good bit more appetizing than the majority of the disasters featured on Sandra Lee's shows on Food Network. Still gross, but just sayin'.

Jason Stackhouse. Abstinent.
Anytime Jason Stackhouse is in a theological debate, you know that good things are on the way.