Numbers 2 and 3 (and maybe 15) aside, I'm not sure I'd call those photos "really beautiful". They're competent.
Numbers 2 and 3 (and maybe 15) aside, I'm not sure I'd call those photos "really beautiful". They're competent.
Have you seen Marc Maron's Thinky Pain? It's up there for me.
As hilarious as those are, Heroes still comes in at number one in that category. If you want an experience equal to reading Sonia's Hostages reviews, check out the ones for season four of Heroes:…
I actually watch that sometimes (I'm Canadian). Again, only to see some nice
locales/homes. I turn it off before they decide which place they like best,
because that part doesn't matter to me at all.
I don't care how manufactured House Hunters is. I watch it to see nice homes; I don't give a hoot about the people on it.
You just have to go in with the idea that it's not your typical rising-action-to-catharsis show. Think of it as hanging out with some interesting people an episode at a time.
I would've said the same thing I said there to anyone else. But I appreciate you owning up to the downvote. For the record, I'm not the one who downvoted you.
Not only is that story true. It is also cool.
Hmph. Some completist you are. Turn in your completist badge immediately.
I remember seeing a trailer for MA (not at a ID screening, though), and someone near me said, "That looks like the poor man's Independence Day". My thought was, "Isn't Independence Day the poor man's Independence Day?"
I loved it the first time I saw it, in large part because of its status as an accidental parody of that inflated piece of horse dung, Independence Day.
You can call the film anything you like, but it most certainly isn't overrated. It's one of Burton's least liked films.
If you're willing to pay between $18-26 for it:…
A question: are Warwilf and Werewolf the same thing?
So… they introduced a Poochie character?
On the plus side, you have the best user name/picture on the AV Club.
Well it very much depends which episodes you watch. It was VERY uneven.
I wanted to love Intacto. The premise sounds intriguing at first, but it soon reveals itself to have a very limiting duality: either people get lucky, or they don't. It also doesn't help that the film only makes a few weak efforts to make the viewer care what happens to the characters. I can't deny that it has a few…
I thought it started off suspenseful, and that it made great use of sound, but then it kind of became more run-of-the-mill towards the end.
That whole paragraph containing the ice cream story is awesome.