
Probably ain't nobody going to read this, but at the end of episode 22 of season 5 - entitled Still - the background music to Castle and Beckett's romantic encounter is the intro to "Baby", Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti.  Or maybe its whatever Pink sampled for the song, but its unmistakeable.

You are all close.  Unfortunately, you've forgotten So Close, But So Far Away…

What?  Check again.

What about the tension of taking an established band that is being accused of complacency and challenging them to collaborate again with the same producer who worked on their best album?

Seems like the wilco-sounding sound of this album is both it's biggest asset and it's biggest shortcoming.  I have an idea:  Let's take this seasoned group of Wilco veterans - the lineup we've heard on Sky Blue Sky, Wilco (The Album) and now The Whole Love - and augment their sound with the production talent of Jim