I loved this song so much I named my zine after it!
I loved this song so much I named my zine after it!
And you're my fact checkin cuz!
I'm pretty sure the RCA released version of Bizarro that came out in the US with "Box Elder" did not credit Pavement for writing the tune.
I could never fully get into them, despite liking alot weird music at the time. That said, their song "Animal Wild" on the Victoria Williams tribute album "Sweet Relief" - is probably the highlight of that very good compilation.
But how did he know what table they'd be sitting at? It was a different one than where she'd sat before.
Of all the 90s indie giants, I always thought Sebadoh has aged the worst.
I'd feel better about this if it were 10 & 10 or even 9 & 9, but only 7 new episodes next year is going to feel like a real letdown.
I hate this song and I have since it came out, but this Dave Hill guy seems like such a d-bag it almost makes me want to defend Lenny Kravitz.
Love "2 Days Til Tomorrow" - probably my favorite from this era - not sure why it didn'ty make your cut!
Despite what the article above says, All Shook Down is the most underrated album in the Westerburg canon by a long shot. I realize that the type of people who were attracted to the 'Mats slovenly drunkenness wouldn't see much of what they loved in this album, but as a fan of Westerburg's songwriting craft, its…
Queen my dishes please
I love All Shook Down, but it was the first Replacements album I heard, so I didn'thave the baggage of history with me going into it.
Hey Vaizey, if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it!
Shorter Ian MacKaye: "I'm getting older and I figured: why let someone else make money off something I own?"
See, I simply don't think these tactics work. The problem is that consumers are increasingly saying "streaming music is our preferred method of listening and we're willing to pay for it (or listen to ads that pay for it)" - and as an artist, it is up to me on how to find a way to survive in that model.
Am I now old enough that I'm going to have to hear young people whose tastes weren't fully formed enough in the early 00's try to earnestly tell me how bands like Fall Out Boy were important?
Its not my problem that the artists and/or the labels can't negotiate a better deal. Perhaps they all thought Spotify would be a flash in the pan and now that its proven not to be the case they are whining about how unfair it all is. At some time your contract will be up and you can renegotiate.
Wow, what a one-sided discussion from two members of the media who are given music for free to review.
It's telling that so many of these songs were sung by Leadon and Meisner, who really were the band's talented secret weapons. Its only after they left/were marginalized that the band's reputation as soulless hitmakers really started to take hold.
It was when the song was written (albeit barely), but he really should be prohibited by law from singing that song any time after 1998.