
Come on, you person, get real. Dudes don't hafta be really good-looking to achieve a mate. But women usually do.
Men need to be strong so they can carry their women over the threshold (literally and metaphorically). They need to have a good income so they can provide for the home. It helps if their job is of high

Eh…the comparison isn't completely sturdy. In the second-to-last ep of season 4, Gus did tell Walt he would slay his entire family including his "infant daughter" if he didn't back the "eff" up.
Gus was plenty vicious; he just knew how to cover it up all simple like he was your neighborhood State Farm insurance guy.

Yeah not exactly but you better believe I'd be first in line to be Warren Buffett's towel boy for $100 tips.

Yeah I've come to the understanding that according to the old maxim, that some men are born with greatness, achieve greatness or have it thrust upon them, the same could be said about Walter White. In his situation, great evil.
I don't mean evil like Grandpa Simpson ("Eeeeevil") but even great asshatteryorks too. Just

Ronald Wayne. Isn't that Warren Buffet's cabana boy? What are you not telling me?

Definitely. In the beginning of the ep he had a list titled "HITMEN for JACK and the Neo-Nazis!" Then he lost his mojo. But now he's comin back cuz Charlie Rose said his hot mess is still active. Why wouldn't he trust Charlie Rose?

I was watching an old BrBa ep from Season 2 where Louis did appear briefly. No one remembers it here because it was that unimportant to that story, to the canon of the show, to life in general.

Lol. Man that is brilliant and hillarious in it's simplicity and concept. I definitely don't think he's out to punish the Schwartzes but that scene would represent Heisenberg's id on Hulk-style steroids. It seems all too unlikely but the execution of such an…execution would be part and parcel of Walt's wounded pride

Yeah, I don't know to much about the history of that stereotype but I'd be shocked purple if "The Honeymooners" had as much as Jewish bread during the broadcast. I do know that if you're friends with Don Draper, you must be on cool customer!

Hear, hear. I'm also diggin how they fleshed out Dr. Rosen's persona with his responses to Mitchell's 1A conflict. It's so refreshing to see a young male Jewish character on TV who doesn't act like a more self-aware stereotypical version of Woody Allen or…Ginsburg. You suppose Rosen is an anachronism himself?

Yeah, I figured that's what you meant but I never heard that colloquialism before. Vocal fry.
Valley Girl-ish, Kardashian-speak, I definitely know those. I live in Brooklyn but I tend to hear it in young transplants. That's my closest experience with it. That actress as a young child did seem to have a better vocal

Vocal fry? What does that mean?

Yeah. This. Reminds me of King of the Hill, when Hank guesses that his 60 plus year old father Cotton's massive fornication partners reaches into a whole dozen numbers. But all that posturing, gettin up in Don's face mocking him whenever he could—-I knew it was a front. Ted is a square and a geek, but he pulls it off

OK, thanks. I would open this link now but I'm at work right now in a homeless shelter and it would be best not to get too distracted. There's a kind of inmates-running-the-asylum theme goin' on here lately.
*squeals* Ooooh it's so much fun to be in on the joke!

(storms in out of breath, without reading review or anyone of +800 responses)

How particularly boss did the partners look standing in Don's office parsing the mouthful which would describe their joined forces? White male privilege never looked so good. Note the lack of wagging heads in a search for Joan, their so-called "partner".
On another note, I was really digging the cold serpentine

So let me get this straight. The cops knew that the internal affairs officers were settin them up the whole time?

So are we, the viewers, to believe that Nazir has the video of Brody's suicide note, or did Walker have it on his person, leaving it for Brody to remove from his corpse.
I, for one, would love to see that video re-surface as a competent clue to Brody's intentions/