
Wait a minute… Tina Cohen-Chang… Mike Chang… did the writers forget any other Asian last names when coming up with character names?

Yeah, I guess I just meant that Santana's big thing is that none of it was "authentic", but neither was she.

Gotta say I felt the same way! Even the "awesome shoes" (which I think most people think are dumb) and bolo ties seemed… off putting, almost like mocking Latin American culture? And as I posted above, super lazy song choices. They had an opportunity to do a great episode and just kind of fell back on the lowest common

Came here to say the same as Murray. How is it authentic for Santana to sing Madonna to the background of a crappy 80's laser light show?

I thought I remembered seeing ads for season 2, but I guess that was all a tease.

I think the Warblers are what New Directions was supposed to be when the show started, but then became a grand-standing autotuned musical group. As for Kurt, I mentioned above, I think it was supposed to show how uncomfortable he is with the new group. Just having a terrible time up there.

Some people may not realize that Westerville is actually a couple of hours drive from Lima. So, I assume that Kurt is at a boarding school? Otherwise, it would be a bitch of a commute.

I think Lumen takes the fall for all the murders, letting Dexter continue his "good work". The court of public opinion will let her off easy.

Kurt's not dating Blaine, he's dating himself.

What about the fact that the song they chose from "Chicago" is the one that A) wasn't in the original musical and B) has the least amount of singing! That number is all about the perfect synchronization of the dancing, and I think the taping schedule just didn't allow Lea or Gwyneth to perfect the moves. Mediocre.

You still get a sense that Mondo's mom and sister (at the very least) are more supportive than Michael C.'s. Mondo's mom holding his hand in the park in the fabric design challenge totally reminded me of my Hispanic mommy.

Fantastic Futurama reference!

I think Dan Droper is the leading man in the Jackie Jormp-Jomp movie.

I miss Bruce Campbell shilling MGD 64 or whatever piss-poor beer Sam Axe would never be caught drinking.

I tend to like the little moments, like that, for instance, or when Ray shows up to Lenore's apartment and it's completely trashed. That at least let you see that Lenore is human and despite trying to look glamorous, confident, and like she has it all together, her apartment is still a shit hole and she's just

"Welcome to you're… DOOM!"

I wonder if they'll show Jackie Jormp-Jomp fighting all those vampires at Woodstocks.

Agreed. All the judges were jizzing themselves about taking a song and making it your own, then they criticized the guys for changing the song too much. Way to call them out on it, Jermaine.

I have so many favorites. It is without a doubt a cultural thing. Carlos V is good chocolate. As I said before, Lucas is the ultimate tamarind candy. Camoyadas are great in the summer (chamoy flavored sno-cones). And I LOVE Duvalin and still remember the commercials. My relative used to work for Gamesa and

They're going to quote Keith on the poster saying "I['ve]… seen it. …[I]t's awesome."