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    I think maybe humanitarian issues, environmental issues, and animal rights/animal welfare issues, while related, are all separate concerns. It seems like JSF's primary concern was animal rights/animal welfare rather than environmentalism. A lot of people here are arguing that his claim that if you're a vegetarian,

    I think I'd hang out with Jon Stewart
    He seems like such a genuinely nice person.

    I think reality shows…
    Need a gimmick, or mentally unstable people, to be entertaining (albeit trashy) TV. I haven't watched the show but it seems like, from Keith's description, a show about ordinary people who happen to be celebrities, living ordinary lives. It's a bit presumptuous that the basic assumption of the

    "… and for a limited time, every Happy Meal comes with a plush Michael Moore doll. Collect all four!"

    All the artwork in the game…
    …is ridiculously cute. Also, they seemed to have put a lot of effort into making it funny, which I appreciated.

    I'd like to taste test the tall blonde one.

    The Neverending Story
    My worst movie experience was when I was watching the third Lord of the Rings installment. Near the end of the movie, I spotted someone sitting very close to me who looked a lot like a person I am terrified of. I was worried that it was this person and hoped to god he wouldn't turn around and

    If there were such a thing as artletics, I'd probably be way more interested in watching the Olympics. And @ Sensei: it's a good thing my high school didn't focus on athletics, or I would have had a hard time. I was one of those people who used to run up and down the field pretending to chase the ball, which always

    I agree…
    that there isn't enough focus on the arts in high school. In my experience it seemed heavily focused on the sciences, making them requirements while limiting art to English and an elective - either art class or band class. There wasn't really much in the way of analysis of anything other than books. I

    While it's true that every entertainer has a culture they're trying to sell to, couldn't it also be said that there's a big difference between creating something solely to appeal to a target market and tweaking a more original creation slightly to fit the demands of a culture?