clumsy chord

That's a gorgeous little song - thanks for linking that, I'd never thought to see if it was online.

(Habitual non-commentator stepping in to say…) I do hope you'll do season 2; I always enjoy your write-ups. It's been so long since I watched S2, but I remember being a bit mystified by a lot of it, so it'd be interesting to see both what I think of it now and also to read someone else's take on it. I never knew

This is a really lovely song. I've got so much love for Crooked Fingers.

I've been watching AusNTM too and it's world's apart from ANTM. I did like last season better, though.

Jay McCarroll designs fabric, which is fairly popular among certain sets in the quilting world.

And it's pretty much the same colour scheme that got Fallene in the bottom at the beginning of the show. And the proportions seem weird to me, though maybe it's just the big hair.

I've finally watched this last episode of the show and, having had this article open in a tab since it was posted, do I ever feel robbed to have come back to no recap at all.

horror period
Horror was a period I went through too: it started in junior high with Christopher Pike and… that other guy and then in high school I read a lot of Stephen King before realizing that I didn't much like how very gross King could be. (Or seemed to be, anyway. I don't remember a lot about any of his books