
I think it maintains its role as a filter this season more than anything. Easier than policing one huge thread.

Lol are we all still on team #FuckBran? I get the feeling that once he gets back it's going to be so underwhelming (looks like it'll be next week according to previews).

Well put, Agnello. I always found it interesting that this game had battle mechanics that required some advanced (relative to your average game) thinking and planning to be good…while at the same time having a messy plot. In other terms: it's difficult to enjoy one without being confused by the other, depending on

You missed nothing, chaps. Maybe we'll see something like an explanation in deleted scenes (very thin maybe)?

Points for Eisenburg's Lex in this one, weird as he was. Doomsday was such a let down, Superman's death was unnecessary (I would have just thrown the spear with WW holding him down), and the dream sequences were too heavy-handed. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but dang it I had high hopes for this one. Why does

Saw SvB:DOJ (:SUV) today and concluded that all of the superhero movies from here on out are done for. I also started Community, which is a delight to my senses.

Boy were they right about the prior-knowledge required to keep up with this flick. I felt bad for the non-superhero audience members in the theater with me.

Reminds me of Prince using Dave Chappelle as an album cover

But isn't that what a comment section is all about?

Oh yeah it's normally not worth it. In this new version, though, the aforementioned "speed up" feature makes the game run at least 3x faster but DOES NOT make the game's clock go that fast. Combine that with the No Encounter and Everything Does 9999 Damage (for event/boss battles) features and I can probably run

A not-up-to-date iPhone 5. It does not meet the game's recommended setup, but I like the game so much I was willing to accept the consequences. It crashes after every half hour or so, not too bad.

Oh Futurama! Anytime I need quirky, barely thought-provoking comedy that is where I go. Family Guy used to be the go-to, but after Peter broke the 4th wall by acknowledging that most of the viewers are 14 I convinced myself that I wasn't really into it.

It's not worth it!

Hearts of Stone is DOPE if you haven't played it yet.

Might pick this one up when it gets cheaper…

Get these people, CD Projekt Red and Bethesda together to make an open-world game that covers all of Middle Earth. Idc what it's about, just DO IT

I'm just here for the Bioshock pic. If the tentative flick has anything like the above photo, I'm all in.

No joke the one of the first riffs I ever learned on my guitar was the Enter Sandman intro and the absolutely evil bridge riff from Creeping Death. About a third of what they write is accessible to the beginner player but still super badass!

Being born in '94 I will never be able to fully understand the story of metal music, but I can grasp how influential both Metallica and Master of Puppets has been on the metal of today. Any modern metal band you come across now will reference them (or sometimes just this album) in their list of influences.

I too have just completed this journey today, and it has been interesting to read your comments throughout the series of reviews this show has received (which have been consistently superior). Also I share your position in the desire to rewatch with increased scrutiny, but now I must move on to Breaking Bad at last.