
To be fair, no one can carry skis in a way that looks cool. It's like running with a backpack on.


I always feel bad for the real people in the pictures of these accounts. Did they volunteer their generic pics? Or were the pics taken from them?? A mystery we must solve…

Epsiode Duscae was great, and I hope the rest of the game is just as good. FF Type-0 turned out to be one of my faves because of its more-than-meets-the-eye tone in both story and gameplay.

TL;DR - Good flick, but the finer points and unanswered questions drew me away by the end.

Will pay $$ for such an image

Yes this interview is so good! Best Week Ever, House, and Veep are some of my faves, though I forgot about his House appearance.

Love FFX. Hope XV is successful at bringing X's storytelling back (not that the XIII trilogy was bad).

Loved the Battlefront Beta, though I feel that Battlefront won't be worth the full $60 for awhile as they plan on adding much more to it (which, knowing EA and DICE's work on Battlefield, will require more money) later on. The three veteran Halo players I know who own 5 say I big update is coming out in December, and

Started The Evil Within to appease my craving for spookiness. I'm enjoying it, but it's kicking my ass.

Bob Dylan dammit I can't stand his voice and I'm sorry

I first saw Simpson when he was on House M.D and loved him in Always Sunny. When he showed up in House of Cards his history as a nerd/psycho/broken person spoiled the surprise of his character a little early (well that and the "trust no one" theme of HoC) for me. He also reminds me of Thom Yorke for some reason.

As a senior in college, I can support the claim that the impact of this movie has not been lost with time.