
Bowie, do you have one funky sequined space suit or do you have several ch-ch-CHANGES?

Bowie, do you have one funky sequined space suit or do you have several ch-ch-CHANGES?

*Chris Franke music swells*

*Chris Franke music swells*

Basically he was a Lt. in TNG but everyone called him Chief because he was the transporter chief, and since he was already known as "Chief O'Brien" they made him a petty officer in DS9 so they could keep calling that (even though him having that rank makes no sense)

Englishman that Went Down a Hill but Came Down a Mountain is
surprisingly good; just a nice, sweet movie with very nice music and

Great Fawlty Towers episode, though!

Must go faster, must go faster

These are my awards from Army, mother.  The seal is for marksmanship and the gorilla is for sand-racing.

I was watching this last night and a few shots were strongly reminiscent of The Saint, maybe Brad Bird's a big fan?

fantastic headline!

Good point, especially considering Gus is really the standout character on the show

Easy, Sipowicz!

imachie porkchoppy in my MOOTS!

yup, spot on and he's pals with GRRM and would like a role

the H.E. Pennypacker, Kel Varnsen, and Art Vandalay stuff redeems the Puerto Rican Day Parada for me

yeah yeah she KNOWS it's a multipass

I'm Yoda, I'm a soldiah
I'll mold ya and fold ya, I thought I told ya
Don't be unwise, judge me not by my size
you won't believe your eyes once the X-Wing rise!

I'm Yoda, I'm a soldiah
I'll mold ya and fold ya, I thought I told ya
Don't be unwise, judge me not by my size
you won't believe your eyes once the X-Wing rise!