
Gus' pratfalls with the parking meter had me cracking up  

Exactly, I felt extremely uncomfortable seeing Inglorious Basterds in the theater and was just waiting for a cut to Tarantino saying "haha f*ck you!" with both middle fingers raised at the camera


It's hard to believe that this has barely been discussed, especially given this golden unwitting set-up!  I opened up this article for the very purpose of seeing a classic AV Club take-down of Morgan Freeman's public persona and his scandalized private life in the comments and was shocked to see barely a mention of it


haha hick Guy Pearce is spot on

I had to step out of the office because I couldn't stifle my laughter from this comment!

No discussion of his role of Draal in a couple episodes of Babylon 5? OUTRAGEOUS!  I was pretty proud of myself when I recognized his voice in that as that of the Klingon Ambassador.  

It is brilliant, the jerkstore plotline is one of my favorite Seinfeld bits and the arm movement is the capper.

Ouch, it's time to get a new family!

UMD - that was always my take on it too, Jerry thought there was chance they had been fooling around while he was under the gas, and a smaller chance that they may have involved him, but didn't really believe he had been molested.

Haha thanks, even better! I just saw that a month or so ago too!

@Afghamistam: "Yes, leaving is what he is indicating there" classic


I love David Warner

Speaking of Inception, I'm just finishing up a run-through of DS9 and the 2nd to last DS9 features Bashir and O'Brien going into William Sadler's mind, Inception-style, even with subconscious defenses like Starfleet security guards!

Want to second the Tapestry love, The Inner Light, Tapestry, and All Good Things (what a great finale) are all probably in my top 5.

Well done Larry's David's Cell Phone, double reference score!

Jerkstore would have SMOKED that guy! SMOKED HIM I SAY!

Sideshow House of Bob: