Professor Kum and Go

Well, why can't Americans just do their own japanese ghost stories? Oh, wait …

teadoust, some say that if you say mbs' name 3 times, mbs will suddenly appear in your comment thread and give you a slight headache.

Davies, dammit.

Steve Jobs died 3 years ago, and has been played by Jeremy Davis ever since.

My spelling is also a completely douchebag.

Urp, I agree with you, but you're a completely douchebag.

On one of the DVD special features, Joss says that he actually agrees with the network's decision to pull Earshot. IIRC, it's because the episode would have been seen by viewers as a commentary on columbine, and in that context it comes off as incredibly glib.

SER, clearly you're on the payroll of big agribusiness, and are being paid to come in here and lie, because big agribusiness cares so deeply about the opinions of av club commenters.

I, also, thought that Murray's avatar was a leprechaun. And I choose to continue believing that it is a leprechaun. And by extension, that he himself is a leprechaun. That's the reason you never see him in the taste test videos - too short, see.

I think that comes from a book of cat-related poetry by Garrison Keiller. One of the poems was from the perspective of a dog. It was:
"You gonna eat that?
You gonna eat that?
You gonna eat that?
I'll eat that."

And thank god we don't …

*inserts morning-after pill into stab wound*

@Derek Shampoo: old videocracy thread in-joke; I spend too much time on this site.

Barney Frank is a badass
Say whatever you like about the guy's politics, or even his sex life - his verbal eviscerations are a sight to behold.

I don't mean to brag
I don't mean to boast
But I'm intercontinental when I eat french toast

Oh, come on. How could you not like the "Time traveler goes apartment hunting" sequence? Or "Time traveler patches things up with his estranged father?" Or "Time traveler and his wife attend dinner party?"

"Nazi-bashing"? Really?

I thought the first half of the Time Traveller's wife was great - lots of mystery and strangeness, you spend a lot of time trying to wrap your head around this guy's life, and are really interested in the complexities of two people experiencing a relationship in different chronological order.

Ocean of cats accidentally someone eat it into a bookshelf.

Sexy borgs hold enough power to set in motion events that lead to the first black president of the united states? It's a cliche, but ever so true.