
The reveal of the alliance at the end was one of my top television moments of all time. I ran around the house shouting. And then Sue's speech was so great I wrote it out as a song and recorded it.

This is just about my favorite movie. If you have a chance to hear the commentary on the DVD with Carpenter and Russell it's totally worth it. The fact that you can hear the ice and whiskey going into glasses throughout is just icing.

Also if you live in New York it's part of the John Carpenter retrospective at Brooklyn Academy of Music. I believe it's this Sunday. You already missed The Thing which was last Saturday and Sunday and was completely awesome on the big screen. Saw it with my 9 year old son who loved it. We will also be checking out

You are not the only one. For me the podcast is absolutely essential listening, and the tv show is unwatchable.

The Arbiter! It's hard for me to believe he hasn't been played as The Arbiter by far more people than have heard of half of the stuff mentioned.

Basehead! I loved this whole album but Not Over You was awesome. I had some kind of promotional cassette that was sent to my radio DJ girlfriend so the video above surprised me: in the version I had when his buddy (played by him also to my understanding) is flipping radio channels, right after Ain't No Sunshine he

Basehead! I loved this whole album but Not Over You was awesome. I had some kind of promotional cassette that was sent to my radio DJ girlfriend so the video above surprised me: in the version I had when his buddy (played by him also to my understanding) is flipping radio channels, right after Ain't No Sunshine he

Absolutely delightful.
When I was 14 or so ('84) he was the first actor I had as a secret delight, my friend and I would search out Dick Miller movies at the video store, knowing that we were onto something most people weren't. Most people our age anyway. Also in this category: Clu Gulager.
Regardless this interview was

Mike Dringenberg used to pencil those late nights at the Village Inn on 4th south and 9th east in Salt Lake City. Death was based on an ex-girlfriend of his, I believe. Either way, I always thought it was funny that Death was probably a backsliding Mormon.