Tossing another log on the Matt Gourley rules fire. I'm a recent Superego convert, then devoured I Was There Too, then James Bonding, despite my pretty complete indifference towards that franchise.
Tossing another log on the Matt Gourley rules fire. I'm a recent Superego convert, then devoured I Was There Too, then James Bonding, despite my pretty complete indifference towards that franchise.
"Take your prayers, say your vitamins, miss the point!"
Right. Unconventional angles for sure, but I'd call about half of those shots POV.
+1 for matching syllables.
His flight instructor?
Hmm. Touche, but I still think that qualifies as Late Iron Maiden, which everyone with sense would approach with skepticism.
I saw them for the first time in 2008. They were damn near perfect, but that's to be expected since they've been doing the same show in the states for 40 years.
Thanks for typing out 'like' in your sentence. I can, like, totally ignore you now.
"Maybe I'd sell you a chicken / With poison interlaced with the meat" may very well be the greatest couplet in music history.
I'm genuinely curious to see how this goes. I heard about the concept when they were kickstarting and it really resonated. There was a particular time in my life when I was going through some dark shit and the fact that I had a handful of podcasts to check in with frequently kept me out of my own head, which could…
It's weird. Usually he just lets his guitar do the talkin'.
This is exactly how I feel. I dislike most of his comedy, but I cannot begrudge the person.
Diana Rigg wins, obvs.
I was a State devotee and was constantly looking for projects related to the cast. That's the only reason I knew it existed. I honestly can't remember if I saw it in the theater, but bought it on DVD as soon as humanly possible.
*riotous laughter*
I dunno. Sounds like well-worn territory. The whole thing feels kind of trite. I say we forget it.
As a lifelong sci-fi…uh…nerdy…um…indoor kid, I'm excited to watch this.
I think OG Vacation works so well because Chevy Chase was still somewhat invested in being a decent comedic actor and hadn't overstayed his welcome with the American public. I buy OG Clark Griswold so much more than any other Vacation and a lot of that has to do with Chase's chops he chooses to use.
Oh, goodness gracious, yes. It's one of the better "One damn sketch after another" movies of the 80's, like Blues Brothers, the first half of Stripes, and Caddyshack. Plus, it benefited greatly from the video rental boom of that same time. I'd say it's remembered fondly for good reason.