
She may go down as the best example of a cinematic heartbreaking moment.

It was weird to hear Sharon's voice go on for that long. Usually her lines stop somewhere after, "Dammit Randy!"

I love AV Club commenters, especially on Savage Love Day.

Wait, this was a mystery? Of course it's Offerman. I know because I only get that tingle in my groin whenever I hear his voice. I call it "Offerman-dar."

Won't somebody please think of the CORPORATIONS?!?

This is the best video I've watched for a long, long time. The rest of the album is very good.

John Travolta's character's name in Perfect is my first and last name. It's unsettling.

Luckily, Joe Piscopo and Robin Duke are available to reprise Doug and Wendy Whiner.

You've obviously never seen Kermit's version of "Hurt."

I'd like to nominate "Right Around the Corner," the 5 Royales tune ably covered by the Detroit Cobras because I am lazy.

I had a great time with this. I found the TR episodes the most engaging, but the later episodes were still solid. Not sure how I managed to cram 14 hours of Burnsian goodness in this week, but I managed.

…noel wells…

I'm genuinely surprised they didn't ask Steve Higgins to take over.


Just found "'39" at karaoke. Definitely a recent high point in my life.

My sentiments exactly.

Roger Taylor made a surprisingly attractive young woman.

*Bobby Moynihan not included.

I reckon this is the only reason that would make this a smart move. Cecily Strong is a solid cast member and if she didn't want to continue behind the desk, well that's fine.

You're doing it wrong, Lorne.