
…and roll back.


Our 6th grade play was called "Homeward Bound," an uplifting "immigrant experience" piece. I tried out for the lead. I got "Immigrant with accordion" instead.

I recalled the fact that the 19th amendment gave women the vote in a trivia contest because of "Sufferin' 'till Sufferage."

Especially since Twin Cinema was release NINE years ago.

Agreed. "Fantasy Fools" immediately stuck out to me on the first listen, and it's plenty peppy.

I enjoyed perusing the gallery of submissions a few months ago when this year's contest started. My favorite was Hobo Shoe.

I'd like to put a vote in for Lunchbox Laboratory as well. They're always futzing with the menu and their Dork (Duck/pork) burger is terrific.

Holy cow, Li'l Woody's on Cap. Hill is my current go-to. The buns are never dry, the burger is perfectly cooked, and a fried egg on top really rounds it out. Well worth the extra couple of bucks.

Black jeans, but yeah.

Trading Places

I envision Syl Stallone as the Mattress King of the greater Rhode Island area.

I use "The Touch" as a cornerstone on my annual Blue Angels-watchin' playlist. Always a crowd-pleaser.


Wait, you were at a party with a CD player? Was this party taking place at Shady Groves Retirement Community?

Did he say what he wanted to say?

That was definitely the best performance of "Honey Bee" that has ever existed.

Glad to see some love for Hard Promises. For my money, it's the companion to Damn the Torpedos like Rubber Soul/Revolver or Let It Bleed/Sticky Fingers/Exile.

Re: earning of lifetime pass, I say MOJO is the only true stinker the band has ever produced. Even Let Me Up (I've Had Enough), for all its dated production, has "Jammin' Me," "Self-Made Man," "It'll All Work Out," and "The Damage You've Done."

I really wish there was more live stuff from the early days. They were young, hungry, lean, and mean on those early tours. They really had a lot to prove and, frankly, the last time I saw them, there was an element of going through the motions poking through, which of course is going to happen for a band of