
It's a very good album, but I think Echo is the most underrated of the later period Heartbreakers albums. I revisited it recently and it really holds up.

That was the episode where I first thought they were just being petulant. I mean, it's fine if you don't like Al Gore - I think he actually has a great sense of humor about himself - but that one was just mean.

It really was. I don't think they've had a top-to-bottom great episode like that since.

Watch out for snakes!

Aerosmith is, of course, terrible, but "Draw the Line" rules.

She's no Markie Post.

Every. Single. Time.

"You ain't fat! You ain't nothin'!! YOU AIN'T NOTHIN'!!"

Mr. Waters earned a lifetime of respect by clarifying that, while anyone could take Simon Birch in a foofaraw, Owen Meany would kick anyone's ass.

Here are two reasons I don't watch Last Comic Standing, even though the first season was terrific:

Check his locker for D batteries.

Or Ross Shafer.

Washington, actually. I lived about a far down south as you could and still get channel 12.

I had a similar Python sound set for Maelstrom. Everytime I tried to use my shields but didn't have any left, I got Cleese saying, "I'm sorry" from the beginning of, I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to argue anymore."

Aye. Same here.

Hey! KVOS! Alright!

I'm pretty sure TP has performed a version closer to Cash's in recent years, i.e., slower, more rueful. Kinda like Dylan incorporating Jimi's take on "All Along the Watchtower."

"Pink Floyd" - 2 Division 2 Bellz

Aw, man, I love that "bucket of snow" line. It's absolutely one of my favorite Sam Beam lines because I feel like I can picture and feel exactly what he's trying to convey.
