
My favorite bumper sticker I've ever seen: I <3 SOFT TITS

"Have you got any, he asked, expecting the answer 'no?'"

I want to buy some cheese.

…about how Mr. Smith should be running this country and how many languages Enoch Powell can speak and then the throws up all over the Cuba Libres.

Same here. I like most of the people involved and was inclined to give it a fair shake, but aside from Parnell, the show was pretty crummy.

The same. There was a list of best mustaches in sports and his was #1.

One of my favorite past times (funeral playlist fantasizing) and one of my favorite songs.

Any band that has a squeaky bass drum pedal in a significant portion of its songs can't be that dry.

It's okay. I learned about Zeppelin from Great White doing a cover of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" on Unplugged.

I'm really impressed with the remasters I heard on Spotify yesterday. I benefits the most, partially due to fewer overdubs than subsequent albums, thereby creating more space between the instruments. II still suffers from a lot of tape hiss, which is all but removed on the other two albums. Bass and guitar are served

"Thanks for that on-the-spot reporting, Les!"

In Seattle, we recently had an independent station that appeared out of nowhere and had a wonderfully varied 60's & 70's playlist - soul, Nuggets, disco - basically everything corporate radio avoids. Once it built a nice following, the owner sold it, which was his intent all along. Apparently it's common for people to

Me too!

Chai-Chai Rod-ruh-gwheeze?

It's a really dark episode too, highlighting the Tarleks' miserable marriage and emphasizing what a pathetic father Herb was.

Love that Red Wigglers jingle.

I recently watched the entire run on Antenna TV, a standard def channel specializing in reruns. I was surprised how cheap the show looked. As the series went on, I could tell where the money went - they remodeled the lobby, added more timely record company posters, and emphasized locations more.

Whither Kip Adotta?
