
I saw Hodgman on this tour and I was left feeling like the end of the world angle was a direct result of him turning 40 and being a father and generally not knowing what to do next. This left a lot of that out, for probably good reason, as it was kind of distracting how real it was for him.

Re: Dave Foley, is that a thing? The mind boggles.

Lift up your hands

Handsome Family's "Drunk by Noon" for me.

Dana Gould makes everything better.

I still prefer Superman Returns. It had a sense of humor and a genuine desire to continue the spirit of Reeve/Kidder/Hackman/Donner and actually have some fun with being the strongest man on earth. Not a lot of smiles these days.


My biggest clue that Clark Kent is a tragic figure?

Lois had zero reason to be on the ship, only exposition.

God, I don't think I could take an Extended Version. Do we need another 20 minutes of wanton Metropolis destruction?

Since Man of Steel is based on a storyline I'm not familiar with, I'm willing to judge it on its own merits and not as how it stacks up against the other movies. That said, I will say that Snyder's Superman really diverts is that this is not a movie I would let kids watch. Some of my strongest memories are watching

So, 450 comments and not one mention of the flying Kryptonian dildos? With the bases and everything?

Fair enough, but the actor playing young Clark is pretty effective at playing a young, confused Superteen. That scene when Pa has a heart attack still gets me.

No, it just means he's full of midichlorians.

I would pay good money to see an episode of Intervention featuring Galactus.

For me, I loved the show almost in spite of that last scene. I'll elaborate.

"Don't you see? I never left."

Also, it was nice to see just a hint of Stew, the Meat Man from Strangers With Candy, on display in the Andrew character.

I had mixed feelings about this episode. While there were moments of high comedy - the bathroom negotiation, the disastrous "quiet time" at the party, and the masterful acting chops on display as Selina eviscerates her ex-husband while attempting to appear genuinely happy - the episode took on an unnecessary air of

I understand the value of actual criticism, and I'll admit to being a Magery fan, but it sure seemed like this reviewer had an axe to grind. That review sure didn't match the grade when it gets down to it - it's an evisceration.