
This will be worth watching if only to hear Sanz bellow, "SHE'S GORGEOUS!"

@avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus, I agree the show didn't age well.

When it was on, my wife and I used to call it, "Tell Me You Love My Balls."

One of the few bands left that compel me to purchase whatever they put out. I like to read Rennie's lyrics as Brett sings them because I think it adds depth to the stories to realize they're exactly what the reviewer said, really short stories.

When are they gonna get to the FIREWORKS factory??!

The creators of this show seem to be determined to make Lily the most unlikable child character of all time, which I find perplexing and irritating.

He seemed like a good man. To quote G.E Smith's introduction of him at Bob Dylan's 30th Anniversary Concert, he was "a mainstay on the folk scene and a really, really wonderful human being."

Man, those are some shiny dudes.

Agree that WYWH is his best. Strong second goes to Animals, which perfectly conveys that album's mood.

Hooray! This made my day. Watched it over lunch. What a treat. So. Many. Mullets.

I saw Ricky Jay and His 52 Assistants during its HBO run many years ago. I've been searching in vain for a copy on DVD ever since. I will happily devour anything that contains Mr. Jay doing his thing.


I predict this will be a giant hit on country radio and will be hailed by the end of it's year-long run as "important" and "meaningful," and also be completely misunderstood by its audience.

I saw the same touring exhibit and spent about five good minutes in awe of the Kermit they had in a plexiglass case greeting everyone as they came in. I'm an emotional guy and even then I was surprised at how much I saw this collection of green felt as a living thing.

I'm glad I searched before making this joke. 

"Hey! I danced on that thing!"

What's the name of that tool that always makes me laugh? A wrench?

And I'M embarrassed to say I have no idea what this recent mix-up was about. To the Googles!

Yep. It's called "Song for Judith (Open the Door)."

+ half a grade for Judy Collins.