
This was the first episode that I watched as an adult and had to explain away the guest by essentially shrugging and blaming the tastes of the time period. Rich Little is so painfully unfunny by today's standards, but for some reason in the seventies and eighties, he appealed to the bland "comedy" palate of the day.

I know, right?

Sounds like your laptop was made by Sabre.

I love that they managed to rhyme "oleander" with "can't stand ya."

There are three (THREE) guitar solos in that song, each unique and each awesome.

So Kirk's got supportive gay friends, eh?

This show had a handful of green shoots in a bed of shit. More Hader is always welcome, especially when one gets the impression that he's getting more and more absurd because he'll probably quit after the season. I also like it when Sudeikis indulges his silly side, as in Scared Straight.

Actually, the real tragedy is that he looks like Carrot Top with that hair..

"Emily Dickinson, books."

I went to high school with the director - this is his follow-up to Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I have to admit looking forward to poor reviews for this one because I Hate it When My Former Classmates Become Successful.

I thought Phoenix did an excellent job. That SNL performance definitely put them on my radar.

"Sentimental idiot!"

I gave up after the first season. Ten years ago, I would've stuck with it, but I got shit to do, man!

TM2 is perhaps my favorite Playstation game of all time.

I enjoyed Carrie on the motor(uni)cycle and the concept of Boyfriend Sitter, but I'm officially over this show. Hasn't made me laugh for several weeks.

Same here. The Costco was a little…off that day.

He lives on the ROAD, man!

I'll go on record as saying "Every Grain of Sand" and "I Believe in You" are among his best ever.

@avclub-81f9c5d05b38e97bc1000e06526c2557:disqus "Up to Me" has one of my all-time favorite Dylan lines and was my favorite song of his for a while:

It was unsettling from the beginning. The camera lingered longer and everyone looked like they were "acting" more than usual.