
So be it…Lucas.

I'm a sucker for Iron and Wine's "Dark Eyes" on that album.

That one gets me every. Single. Time.

Although I haven't listened to every song, I have to say I found Gaslight Anthem's version of "Changing of the Guard" to be the only one that improved the original. I always found the call-and-response odd and this version was propellent and more interesting.

Sex and Violence is worth watching, if only for the several kilos of pure, uncut Sam the Eagle greatness.

The fight on the lawn and the sweat pants boutique were the best things the show did. The rest was painfully unfunny and mediocre. I stuck with the show during its original run mostly out of State/Stella loyalty and I now approach these two with a sideways kind of wariness.

This is a giant surprise as the promos for this show are painfully unfunny.

Help me understand: Did this get the Oscar win before Haggis left Scientology or after? If he was still in the "church" I reckon this is the most blatant example of Hubbard's minions flexing their muscle because this movie is fucking atrocious.

John Yeck sounds like the perfect Wellsville name.

Perhaps I did, sir. Perhaps I did.

I don't know about everyone else, but the reason _I_ bought the Last Action Hero soundtrack was because it featured Queensryche's first single since Operation: MIndcrime, of which I was a tremendous fan.

I think the problem with the new Lily is she is simply a "Darndest Thing" machine. There's no personality or character that emanates from the actress. At least the Dunphy children have types to play and Manny, well, he is whatever he is. Lily is just…there.


Goddamn I love Head Swap.

I still DVR Fallon every night, but certainly not for the interviews. The bits and the games he plays with guests and audience members are inspiring, but I think the quality of the writing has steadily declined in the past year or so.

"It's like, how lesser than Rebecca Black could it be? And the answer is none. None lesser than Black."

This might be the greatest thing AV Club has ever taught me.

The Help 2: Still Helpin'

I started with Breakfast of Champions. It didn't bother me in the least that I didn't know who Kilgore Trout was. I just loved the tone of the book and it led to a yearlong fascination period with KV.