
YES. I can't believe it at least didn't make the outliers list.

YES. I can't believe it at least didn't make the outliers list.

I don't know, I might keep watching for QB1. But then I kinda have a thang for Mr. Saracen/Gilford.

I don't know, I might keep watching for QB1. But then I kinda have a thang for Mr. Saracen/Gilford.

52. It wasn't an S pattern he was making with the bacon- it was his age. Birthday and all. Which gives us a timeline, which I'm too lazy too figure out how old Walt was when the show started.

52. It wasn't an S pattern he was making with the bacon- it was his age. Birthday and all. Which gives us a timeline, which I'm too lazy too figure out how old Walt was when the show started.

I'm so glad I found this show and happened to have just gotten a deal from the cable service which gave me Cinemax. I'm a sucker for explosions and action and car chases and shit. It was pure, unadulterated fun. Definitely not going to garner any awards, but I enjoyed it more than any other new series this season.

Probst was way off his game last night. Totally phoning it in with the "annoying" bullshit questions. Maybe he was hungover? I know I can't be bothered to put in quality work when I've had a bit too much wine the night before.

I'm just glad Fetal Alcohol Barbie
finally got her due. Although, I think she might have a chance to oust some people at redemption and make a come back.

Bill did not deserve such a death
surrounded by the three women who, for whatever reason, loved that sorry asshole. I would have much preferred him dying alone. In some ditch. With Albie laughing maniacally over his limp body.

Poor Margene
She wants to meet new people! Bill is such an asshole.

Oh- and Phillip! I could not stop laughing every time the camera panned out and he was standing there in his red underwear. That dude is cray-cray at the highest level. I hope he sticks around.

I admit
I'm a Russell fan. I really do think he should have won his first season- he played brilliantly and actually changed the way the game is played. Not many players can boast that fact. In reality, probably only Richard Hatch (man, I'd love to see Richard and Russell go head-to-head). I think he has major hurdles

I waited 20 years for a movie with both Arnold and Sly and all I got was this shit. And I fucking love Statham. Not even that fucker could save it.

I really have to stop watching shows during their first season
if I like 'em, they always get cancelled. If I wait until the second or third season to catch up, we are usually good to go.

Totally Surprised that January Jones didn't suck!
She's usually so vapid, but she was actually rather charming and funny (and insightful!). After the disaster guest judge that was Kristen Bell I had set my bar pretty low so January didn't have to be too awful to surpass that low standard, but I think she did rather

This is the woman who requires white everything in her dressing room/trailer in her rider- even for charity events.

I still have no idea
who this fucking kid is.

I'm thrilled that Britton and Chandler finally got their nods, but sad that Zach Gilford didn't get his nom for guest actor. I like Alan Cumming and all, but he's just there to chew scenery on The Good Wife.

This thirty-something chick also thinks it holds up
what the fuck with everyone always assuming it's just boys who like this stuff? Give me Arnold blowing shit up over pansy-assed Katherine Heigl shitshow rom-coms any day.