Team Zissou

I've always liked Echo because of that first David Mack-written arc. Then she got Bendis'd to all hell.

His second run on the Flash, with Wally West and his annoying kids. Otherwise, Waid's writing has been top-notch all around.

His second run on the Flash, with Wally West and his annoying kids. Otherwise, Waid's writing has been top-notch all around.

I knew her from the GAP, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew her from the GAP, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never noticed that! I loved their dynamic though. SPOILERS. It felt to me like they had to torpedo her character so they could build to a Pacey/Joey pairing, hence the cheating and the storylines that made her look bad such as the tripping-on-ecstasy anti-drug episode.

I never noticed that! I loved their dynamic though. SPOILERS. It felt to me like they had to torpedo her character so they could build to a Pacey/Joey pairing, hence the cheating and the storylines that made her look bad such as the tripping-on-ecstasy anti-drug episode.

I adored Andie McPhee when I watched this show in my early teens. Too bad they gradually destroyed her character after season 2. So sad.

I adored Andie McPhee when I watched this show in my early teens. Too bad they gradually destroyed her character after season 2. So sad.

What an amazing acting showcase — enhanced by the several years of pent-up TV stoicism. It helped reading about Gilford's interpretation of how Saracen would respond to hardships in previous seasons, "No he's not going to cry. He's going to be a man and suck it up because he has to."

What an amazing acting showcase — enhanced by the several years of pent-up TV stoicism. It helped reading about Gilford's interpretation of how Saracen would respond to hardships in previous seasons, "No he's not going to cry. He's going to be a man and suck it up because he has to."



Seconded. I only know him from Doug Loves Movies. Based off of the appearances I heard, I imagine a late-night talk show would solely consist of Holmes stopping all the acts cold so he can complain about the audience not liking his jokes.

I don't think the timeline works out. TDKR is 8 years after TDK, and it seems like not a lot of time passes between Batman Begins and TDK (since Joker is on the loose and the end of Batman Begins). It seems like 10 years have passed, at most. He wouldn't be old enough.

I don't think the timeline works out. TDKR is 8 years after TDK, and it seems like not a lot of time passes between Batman Begins and TDK (since Joker is on the loose and the end of Batman Begins). It seems like 10 years have passed, at most. He wouldn't be old enough.

I liked that he's masked for most of his cameo in TDK and then unmasked for the entirety of his TDKR appearances. I don't know why I appreciated that — it just felt balanced.

I liked that he's masked for most of his cameo in TDK and then unmasked for the entirety of his TDKR appearances. I don't know why I appreciated that — it just felt balanced.

The Male Gaze about the unattractive teacher started sweet, because he first thought how much his daughters would like her. When it came time to think about her sexually, he was basically repulsed.

The Male Gaze about the unattractive teacher started sweet, because he first thought how much his daughters would like her. When it came time to think about her sexually, he was basically repulsed.