
And one which Kroger somehow does not see fit to distribute to all of its food store brands; I haven't found it yet in my local City Markets, King Soopers, or Ralphs.

So here's the question - why are yucky pizza tastes so hard to reprogram, but burgers far easier?

Two Cars, One Night (https://www.youtube.com/wat…, Eagle vs Shark, Boy, Shadows, Wilderpeople. It should be noted, that as far as direction goes, Taika is batting 1.000

Upvoted because the very mention of "knifey-spoony" never fails to elicit a chortle out of me. I like to imagine myself heartily releasing said knifey-spoony-induced chortle when I'm 90 and stuck in a nursing home, and none but my fellow ancient molemen will know what's so funny.

Fannie May! Still the best mass-market nut clusters out there.

It's not obvious? Along with the armband — to milk the success of Force Awakens' Rey's costume design.

And what is he holding in his non-punching hand?

Judging you entirely by your taste in sexytime music, it would appear that
-I would detest hanging out and making out with you
-But would happily skip all the foreplay and go straight for the hard-core fucking. If we've got the Muslimgauze going, might as well get fucking physical and put on the Venetian Snares…

300 comments in and the answers are mostly: Tricky, Massive Attack, Portishead…
I wonder what our grandparents would answer. Especially the weird ones.

Came down here just to make sure I wasn't the first before commenting along similar lines.
Wasn't sure what I was going to say; I think you nailed it better than I could have.
While I cleaned up the dishes from our dinner date, he turned the lights low, went to my wall of CDs (oh the days!), studied briefly, picked this

Tom Bateman as St Peter?
Liam: I was laying in the gutter, pickin' up me teeth when St. Peter himself appears before me…
Bateman: Liam, you wanker. Repent of your wicked ways or sod off.
Liam: Then he spat in my face and turned back into a streetlight

Sahara is hands-down the best airport/beach book I've read. Every plane flight I buy the latest Cussler just to see if he can get close to Sahara (he hasn't).

Yeah, science bitch!

They did a Gateways to Geekery for film scores as a genre, but they really should address individual film composers. I don't know how you mention best John Williams scores without bringing up The Cowboys.

Trois Douze Merde!


Kubo and the String?

Speaking as an American not born in America, I believe that having been born in Austria to Austrian parents is technically want prevents him from being president. That's my general understanding of the murky meaning of 'naturalized citizen'.

Merchant is an even bigger part of the Extras being any good. Mr. Lolo said that Hello Ladies was terrible, so who knows though.

I would be down to reboot Allison Janney in 2017.