
Instead of me he promotes Jeff Sessions.
Makes him eighth-in-command, "I'm a general, wheeeee!"

Heck yeah, my Reich notification delivers!
It's too bad that "Just a thing over and over" is so big. I would have preferred that a much larger share of the internet garbage bag is given to "stretch a thing out": laeyf.com for example.

Repetition can be an excellent judge of a song's quality. Many moons ago, after finals and before graduation my 3 roommates and I put I Saw The Sign on high volume on repeat. The first to cave, at the 34 hour mark, bought us pizza.

Does it meet my main requirements:
-Works globally for phone calls and texts
-Bluetooth for headphone
-Does not have any features (internet, say) that suck me in at night, keeping me from more fulfilling activities like reading, sleeping, or the old in-out in-out with Mr. Lolo.
-Lasts for a week on a single charge

No, he's a detective.
Batman's a detective!

Big Night

If that era includes Dead Calm, then you speak the truth.

Photography by Jeffrey Jones.
Refreshments by Jim Jones.

Are there fire codes for "number of people packed into an open space that's not really an open space"? Because that's what they've done to Main Street.

Out of honest curiosity, is the cosplay community so organized/established as to have anything resembling a representative organization or spokesperson?
-retreats back into hole

50 Cent, sour-grapes, and right color immediately brings to mind:
"Excuse me, everyone in the restaurant, SHUT UP! A waiter is about to explain to a grown man what a grapefruit is."

orange you glad he didn't say it thrice?

Just in time, surely Tarantino is casting his next movie right about now

Yes, Ice, yes to all of this.

Trois! Douze! Merde!

How dare you presume I admire Adam Sandler.

Ich kann: A cotton-headed NiNnymuggins.

Absolutely, this. Part of me is mad you stole my thunder, part of me is glad someone else feels the same way.

There are fewer worse feelings in the world than travelling to a new city, finally get away from whatever business/family occupied you all day, flip on the tube at 7:30 to catch Jeopardy, only to learn you're in one of the backwards cities that shows Wheel after Jeopardy.